USH - Introduction to the Text

Controversy Over Bleeding Kansas 

In which chapter of the text is your event mentioned? Provide a page number too. Some events may have multiple page numbers. If terms related to your event are not located in the index, use your prior research to identify related terms.

Chapeter 12, Pg. 384-387 & 376

Under which heading and subheading can your topic be found?

1850 Crisis and Compromise: A Complex Compromise

Why and how is the text discussing your topic? What larger conversation is your event part of?

The affects of the Kansas Nebraska Act, primarily on how the act strengthened support for the Republican party.

Read the passage mentioning your event. What more can you learn, that you did not already learn from your first research.

The passage focuses on the political shifts caused by the act rather than the physical outcomes, such as bleeding Kansas. The political shifts towards anti-slavery parties was a catalyst towards the secession of southern states.

America's History 9th Edition Henretta 


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